Carter-A259: A Debatable Sacrifice Within the Halo Community

Halo Reach, a game that I enjoy very much and still do ever since its release back in the good old 2010. Matter of fact, is the only thing I remember so vividly about that year as I was just a sophomore in high school. However, reminiscing aside there needs to be something to be … Continue reading Carter-A259: A Debatable Sacrifice Within the Halo Community

Stellaris: A Fun Game That is Extremely Tedious

I love being creative. And most of all, I love sci-fi. And seeing Stellaris combine both of them back when it was released in 2016, made me immediately buy it right away. Matter of fact, I have currently 1000+ hours on the game because I love it so much. It really is that fun. However... … Continue reading Stellaris: A Fun Game That is Extremely Tedious

Cyberpunk 2077 Review – A Boring Buggy Mess (SPOILERS!)

I might get a lot of flak for this, but I am going to say it. Cyberpunk 2077 is mediocre at best. Especially if you were looking for the ultimate RPG within a cyberpunk neon setting, as it misses that mark by a long shot. To begin, the bugs in my honest opinion is not … Continue reading Cyberpunk 2077 Review – A Boring Buggy Mess (SPOILERS!)

Rockstar Needs to Make a Sci-Fi Game

As a person who has grown with Rockstar games his whole life (mainly through the GTA and Red Dead Series) its time for this company to finally make a comeback with a new IP game. Especially after the fact this company has soiled its reputation as a developer by staying stale with greedy laziness with … Continue reading Rockstar Needs to Make a Sci-Fi Game

The Rise of Chinese Writers and Sci-fi Within the Digital Age

After reading the world of the Three Body Problem by Liu Cixin, I ended up becoming thirsty for more works of science fiction made by Chinese authors. As I mainly grew up consuming aspects of this genre mainly told in the eyes of the Western and Japanese perspectives. And me being a crazed sci-fi addict, … Continue reading The Rise of Chinese Writers and Sci-fi Within the Digital Age

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!

Sigh... You know I didn't want to write this, but here we are... Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn... why thy have you forsaken me... So... as you can probably see from the title and my beginning sentences, this is going to be about Gundam Unicorn. A journey that I enjoyed from the beginning and immediately hated … Continue reading Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: WHAT’S IN THE BOX?!

The One Culture Trope in Sci-Fi

As a kid, the first introduction that I had with sci-fi and video games was through the introduction of Starcraft back in the late 90’s. A game made by a company who at the time wasn’t kowtowing to the big brother of the East, as their economy wasn’t relevant enough to do such an action … Continue reading The One Culture Trope in Sci-Fi