Most Accents Are Horrid

I remember back in the day when I was young people within my age group and older adults had this huge fascination for how certain accents sounded like. Especially the accents that came out of the UK, as they saw it as something that was luxurious and majestic every time they heard them speak. However, … Continue reading Most Accents Are Horrid

You Know Yourself Better Than Anyone

For anyone having doubts, torments, or any sort of discouraging damaging self-esteem from people outside of your own self. I am hear to tell you, those people can go f*** off to the deepest level of hell as they don't know jack on what they're talking about. As you are the only one who knows … Continue reading You Know Yourself Better Than Anyone

What Kind of Writer are You? – The Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Writing Any Work of Fiction

For those who want to write anything within the fiction genre. Knowing what kind of writer you are is a must know to start such an endeavor. What do I mean by this? Well, we have all seen those books about how to write good fiction or how to write good character arcs and so … Continue reading What Kind of Writer are You? – The Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Writing Any Work of Fiction

Hypotheticals: The Host or the Guest?

Hypotheticals. Fun to talk about while sober, but even more fun while intoxicated. I think that is how philosophy was born, but don't quote me on that. Anyhow, I feel like making this into a series within this place as I like to write about nonsensical stuff time to time, so let's bring the first … Continue reading Hypotheticals: The Host or the Guest?

The Sad Reality How Differences Unite Us

I remember my Shakespeare college professor going over and discussing one of the points about Henry V within class. He asked us, "What makes people bond and unite with one another?" Some students answered and said that same values and beliefs were the main sources of unity. While others argued it was through some sense … Continue reading The Sad Reality How Differences Unite Us