Silence is not Admission of Guilt

It has been a while since I wrote in here. And I must say, there has been quite a lot of things going on in my head. However, I am not here to talk about those things. Rather something that is awfully wrong with today's society use of technology and psychology. What do I mean … Continue reading Silence is not Admission of Guilt

The Censoring of History: How Youtube is Failing Humanity

Youtube continues to have its controversies, but to be honest, I didn't think it would get so bad to the point that I had to write about this. For those who don't know, Youtube has been on a war path as of late against educational creators that teach and talk about history. And the thing … Continue reading The Censoring of History: How Youtube is Failing Humanity

Carter-A259: A Debatable Sacrifice Within the Halo Community

Halo Reach, a game that I enjoy very much and still do ever since its release back in the good old 2010. Matter of fact, is the only thing I remember so vividly about that year as I was just a sophomore in high school. However, reminiscing aside there needs to be something to be … Continue reading Carter-A259: A Debatable Sacrifice Within the Halo Community

Platoon (1986): Movie Thoughts

So, I finally got the chance to see this movie. After all these years of people talking about this movie to me within inner circle conversations, I finally gave it a try as Netflix recently added this onto their library. And I must say, in a short analytical perspective, the movie aimed for the whole … Continue reading Platoon (1986): Movie Thoughts

Being in the Majority Doesn’t Mean You are Right

We have all heard of this logic at some point in our lives, "We are in the majority here, so you are in the wrong". There are many different variations of this logic that leads to the same meaning, but the point of the matter is that we have all heard of this at some … Continue reading Being in the Majority Doesn’t Mean You are Right

Size Does Matter In A Fight. Is Not Everything, But It Matters. – And Here is Why

"Size does not matter in a fight" or "Size is everything". The fact I have seen so much of these ignorant comments over and over in either professional or amateur settings in any form of fighting situation is baffling to me. Let's get this one thing clear. Size does matter in a fight. BUT Is … Continue reading Size Does Matter In A Fight. Is Not Everything, But It Matters. – And Here is Why

GTA Online: The K/D Warrior Phenomenon

GTA V or in this case GTA Online has been in the gaming community for quite a while now as it is almost a decade old as I write this. And throughout those years there has been many kinds of players that have been playing the game (especially the online aspect) in various different ways. … Continue reading GTA Online: The K/D Warrior Phenomenon

Controversial Opinion: Kids That Commit Heinous Acts Should Serve Punishment like Adults

When it comes to horrible crimes that are so against humanity we often times think about the victim or the victim's family on how we can deliver some justice in order to bring some closure to their lives. However, when it comes to those same heinous acts, especially committed by children, that whole ball is … Continue reading Controversial Opinion: Kids That Commit Heinous Acts Should Serve Punishment like Adults

Cultural Appropriation or Culture Stealing – The Stupidest Nonsense I Ever Heard

New year, same cancer in society. Some things don't die even as time passes by. And looking at the title itself you can already tell what I am about to talk about. Which to be fair, I been holding this bottle for far too long. And this being the new year I think it is … Continue reading Cultural Appropriation or Culture Stealing – The Stupidest Nonsense I Ever Heard

The Boredom of War – Why Wars Are Unrealistic In Storytelling

"War. War never changes." We have all heard about this quote at some point in our lives. And if you have played the Fallout series, you have heard this quote a multiple times. A quote which embodies that the nature of war always stays the same no matter the time or generation it's in. However, … Continue reading The Boredom of War – Why Wars Are Unrealistic In Storytelling