Hilarious GTA IV Logic – Professional Criminals Doing Very Unprofessional Things

GTA IV like all GTA games within Rockstar's franchise, are based on crime and becoming a professional at it. And the thing about GTA IV, is that the game has one of the best criminal stories and themes within the whole franchise of the GTA series. Mixing dark scenarios and situations, with a hint of … Continue reading Hilarious GTA IV Logic – Professional Criminals Doing Very Unprofessional Things

Spam Is Way too Expensive to be Considered Struggle Food

If you don't come from money, chances are you have struggled financially at some point in your life, and trust me. As a person who is currently just a writer at the moment, I know that struggle quite too well. And the thing about struggling is that it changes not just the way you act … Continue reading Spam Is Way too Expensive to be Considered Struggle Food

Hilarious Censorship That Makes No Sense

Recently I re-watched one of my favorite movies called Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage in the Youtube free movie section without ads thanks to my lucky convenience of having been gifted a Youtube Premium last year. And as I was watching this movie I thought to myself, "Hey, so far so good. Just how … Continue reading Hilarious Censorship That Makes No Sense

Cultural Appropriation Idiocy Strikes Again: Twitter’s Sushigate

Would you look at this people. Twitter strikes again with their nonsensical idiocy once more. What is it this time? Sushigate And what is Sushigate you ask? Well, Sushigate states that anyone that is a White person cannot eat sushi anymore. If they do, they are culturally appropriating Asian culture. Twitter, is only January. The … Continue reading Cultural Appropriation Idiocy Strikes Again: Twitter’s Sushigate

One Thing That Bothered Me About the Revenge Ending in GTA IV

Grand Theft Auto IV will always hold a place in my heart as it was one of the games I played religiously nonstop back in the Xbox 360 days when I was still a teenager. Matter of fact, Grand Theft Auto IV was one of the game installments during my early days in America that … Continue reading One Thing That Bothered Me About the Revenge Ending in GTA IV

Controversial Opinion: Kids That Commit Heinous Acts Should Serve Punishment like Adults

When it comes to horrible crimes that are so against humanity we often times think about the victim or the victim's family on how we can deliver some justice in order to bring some closure to their lives. However, when it comes to those same heinous acts, especially committed by children, that whole ball is … Continue reading Controversial Opinion: Kids That Commit Heinous Acts Should Serve Punishment like Adults

Schools Suck Everywhere (And This is Why)

I remember back in the day when I was still a child going to high school, kids would often discuss about greener pastures about different parts of the world if their schools had it better when it came to our system of schooling. And thinking back to those conversations I could understand where that topic … Continue reading Schools Suck Everywhere (And This is Why)

Cyberpunk 2077 Review – A Boring Buggy Mess (SPOILERS!)

I might get a lot of flak for this, but I am going to say it. Cyberpunk 2077 is mediocre at best. Especially if you were looking for the ultimate RPG within a cyberpunk neon setting, as it misses that mark by a long shot. To begin, the bugs in my honest opinion is not … Continue reading Cyberpunk 2077 Review – A Boring Buggy Mess (SPOILERS!)

Streaming Apps/Sites are Cable With Extra Steps

Remember the days when streaming services were somewhat brand new and were barely any of them out there besides Netflix and maybe Hulu? And people were leaving cable behind just to get those as it was more convenient than TV itself which was much cheaper in the long run? Well now there is no point … Continue reading Streaming Apps/Sites are Cable With Extra Steps

Most Accents Are Horrid

I remember back in the day when I was young people within my age group and older adults had this huge fascination for how certain accents sounded like. Especially the accents that came out of the UK, as they saw it as something that was luxurious and majestic every time they heard them speak. However, … Continue reading Most Accents Are Horrid