Silence is not Admission of Guilt

It has been a while since I wrote in here. And I must say, there has been quite a lot of things going on in my head. However, I am not here to talk about those things. Rather something that is awfully wrong with today's society use of technology and psychology. What do I mean … Continue reading Silence is not Admission of Guilt

The Censoring of History: How Youtube is Failing Humanity

Youtube continues to have its controversies, but to be honest, I didn't think it would get so bad to the point that I had to write about this. For those who don't know, Youtube has been on a war path as of late against educational creators that teach and talk about history. And the thing … Continue reading The Censoring of History: How Youtube is Failing Humanity

Hilarious Censorship That Makes No Sense

Recently I re-watched one of my favorite movies called Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage in the Youtube free movie section without ads thanks to my lucky convenience of having been gifted a Youtube Premium last year. And as I was watching this movie I thought to myself, "Hey, so far so good. Just how … Continue reading Hilarious Censorship That Makes No Sense

Cultural Appropriation or Culture Stealing – The Stupidest Nonsense I Ever Heard

New year, same cancer in society. Some things don't die even as time passes by. And looking at the title itself you can already tell what I am about to talk about. Which to be fair, I been holding this bottle for far too long. And this being the new year I think it is … Continue reading Cultural Appropriation or Culture Stealing – The Stupidest Nonsense I Ever Heard