The Platitude That Rang the World Thanks to Attack On Titan

With the whole hype train going on with the new and last season of Attack On Titan, you could say I am shamelessly cashing in on the hype. Which in a sense, it is quite true. However, that is besides the point. Point on the matter is, there has been a quote that has come … Continue reading The Platitude That Rang the World Thanks to Attack On Titan

The Boredom of War – Why Wars Are Unrealistic In Storytelling

"War. War never changes." We have all heard about this quote at some point in our lives. And if you have played the Fallout series, you have heard this quote a multiple times. A quote which embodies that the nature of war always stays the same no matter the time or generation it's in. However, … Continue reading The Boredom of War – Why Wars Are Unrealistic In Storytelling

Parallel City – A Manhwa That Needs More Attention.

When it comes to the world of graphic novels especially that of the East, many people immediately think of the graphic novel form of manga that comes from the island nation of Japan. And in the case of the sci-fi aspect, a lot of its ideas and aspects of that medium within the graphic novel … Continue reading Parallel City – A Manhwa That Needs More Attention.

Subplots Gone Wrong! (BUT NOT GONE SEXUAL) – The Death of Plot Cohesiveness

When writing a story that is especially a long one, a lot of authors/writers seem to lose track not just when it comes to time, but they also lose their overarching plot that their story started out with, which was created by poorly made subplots. For example, a story that started about surviving an alien … Continue reading Subplots Gone Wrong! (BUT NOT GONE SEXUAL) – The Death of Plot Cohesiveness

Graphic Novels – The Game Changer of Storytelling

Hate 'em or love 'em, graphic novels have shaped the storytelling medium across the world in ways that it has never seen before. Ways in which we still use today and we will continue to do so until the last human drops within the face of this universe. What do I mean by this? Well... … Continue reading Graphic Novels – The Game Changer of Storytelling

The Last Nail – The Final Reason Why All Fictional Fights are Stupid and Pointless

I have talked about this topic before, but I am going to bring it back again to give the final nail why these fights are all stupid and pointless to set things clear once and for all. So, in my previous talk about this topic, I mentioned that none of these death battles among fictional … Continue reading The Last Nail – The Final Reason Why All Fictional Fights are Stupid and Pointless

What Kind of Writer are You? – The Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Writing Any Work of Fiction

For those who want to write anything within the fiction genre. Knowing what kind of writer you are is a must know to start such an endeavor. What do I mean by this? Well, we have all seen those books about how to write good fiction or how to write good character arcs and so … Continue reading What Kind of Writer are You? – The Question You Should Ask Yourself Before Writing Any Work of Fiction

The Age of Storytelling – Too Much Choice. Solution? Stand Out

We live in a time of endless abundant choice. A blessing or a curse depending on who you ask, but no matter the answer there is no denying that we have way too many options out there nowadays when it comes to capitalist consumption. Something that is especially double within the storytelling industries. As long … Continue reading The Age of Storytelling – Too Much Choice. Solution? Stand Out

Nonsensical Review – Justice League: Dark Apokolips War – (SPOILERS).

Man, where to begin. This movie is a hilarious mess. They had seven years of building up this animated universe of theirs and they just blew it. For one, this movie is way too damn short for the plot that they are trying to tell. As it literally falls under the 1 hour and 30 … Continue reading Nonsensical Review – Justice League: Dark Apokolips War – (SPOILERS).

Superhero Stories: Shut Your Brain Off to Enjoy Them

As a person who has grown up with superhero stories from graphic novels, books, video games, and so forth. I must say that I still enjoy these stories, but not with the same charisma as I used to when I was a child. And the reason why I am saying this is because not just … Continue reading Superhero Stories: Shut Your Brain Off to Enjoy Them