Not Far-fetched at All: China Could Implement Breeding Camps to Stop Their Demographic Time Bomb.

(Opinion Piece)

In the occurrence of dark times that are going on at this moment as I write this, aka the war in Ukraine, I have woken up much more on the reality that we as people, don’t have much power when it comes to the choices of the world we live in. As pretty much the powerful few are the ones that decide, and we, the common folk, bear the brunt of their decisions. Either positive or negative.

In which I must say, I know this has been the way things have always been across our short history of human existence within this universe. However, what I mean by this, is that depending on the type of government you live in, these messed up situations are less likely to happen. Not entirely avoidable, just less likely.

I mean look at this, Russia is ruled by a dictator, meaning the people have no say whatsoever. And when people have no say or power, messed up situations are more likely to happen within their society and nation. Hence why Putin went there without asking or wondering about his peoples thought. He is above the Russian law and society.

Now, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with China?” Well, because China also has a messed up government system where its people have no say or power. And in many cases, they are far much worse when it comes to human rights abuses and other heinous shit than Russia does.

We all heard it at this point. Cleansing and genocide of ethnic minorities (especially in the Xinjiang are with the Uyghurs), massive censorship of media and internet (with laws making VPNs illegal), anti gay laws, extreme xenophobia and racism encouraged by the government, etc, etc.

And they can do all of these things, because their government has full control of their society. The idea of some leniency within their people to express themselves or somewhat have some control within themselves, is unheard of in China.

And it is through this extreme amount of power control, mixed with utter depravity of the powerful few in China, is how the One Child Policy was created. A policy that caused many issues across that region in Asia. From forced abortions, to human trafficking for lack of females caused by said abortions, and so on.

And this was all created and caused because the powerful few (yet dumb) within that said society, thought there was too many people within their country, fearing it could cause a major collapse within their society if said population kept going like this.

However, the policy backfired, and from the result of this backfire, it created a demographic nightmare where there are tons of older Chinese with fewer young Chinese to support such elderly population for their society.

And seeing how this whole thing was ’caused by powerful people with full control of their society, it is not far-fetched to say that they would come up with a solution that is going to be more inhumane than the first one that got them here.

And what could that be? Well, if the problem right now is that there are less young people to take care of their elderly, the solution is simple. Make more babies.

And how would they do that?

Breeding camps.

And I know what some of you might be thinking, “Isn’t that too extreme?” Well, isn’t forcing women out of their will to get them abortions extreme too? Besides, is not far-fetched to say this as China doesn’t have that many rights for women. Matter of fact, they seem to be treated as breeding objects and nothing more as I write this.

And this can be all attested by one Youtuber with the username of laowhy86. Especially in his video called, “Chained Woman in China – Leaked Documents Reveal Truth“.

The video, besides describing the horrible situation this woman has been in, reveals many factors how poorly women are treated in general within Chinese society. For one, as mentioned earlier, the One Child Policy created a shortage in women in China, as the policy of having one child created a huge preference of wanting to have boys over girls if they were only allowed to have one kid in general.

This caused a huge way of human trafficking of women, especially in the neighboring border countries such as Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, etc. And within these borders, as the video states, the Chinese guardsmen look the blind eye on such things.

And why would they turn a blind eye on it? Is it corruption? Yes, but mainly it is the fact because the Chinese government allows it. As some of their officials actually partake on the act. Not on the act of having sexual pleasures on these poor victims (which to be fair, they probably do as well), but the fact that they actually own these said women that they acquired in these human trafficking endeavors.

And it doesn’t stop there. Matter of fact, if these incidents are traced back to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) officials, such as someone realizing these women being used as sex slaves belong to them, they don’t punish the official involved in it. Rather, they punish the lower tier members of the trafficking ring (who are mainly low life thugs in China), like some Soprano type of sh*t, while the government official still stays in power with his job perfectly intact.

And that’s still not all, the government will put laws and repercussions to anyone that points this out ever again. Such as losing your job, being expelled from your university, or f*cking WORSE. No morals or justice.

Basically, China, or in this case, the Chinese government, can kidnap women and make them into sex slaves without any repercussions since they have all the power. Basically, they are Putin, they are above the law. In this case, Chinese law and society.

And if they have the power to turn women into sex slaves with no consequences, what makes you think that is far fetched for China to implement breeding camps to increase their population to prevent their demographic time bomb? There isn’t.

China’s system is literally a people crusher, as it has no checks and balances like some societies do. If their government does wrong, all their people can do is to take it. That, or get rolled over by their governmental tanks like Taylor Swift’s album 1989.

Basically, there is nothing stopping them from making another extremely morally corrupt experiment in their hands. Which in a sense, I feel sad and utter fear for the women that live and are stuck in such a country.

The world is f*cked. Humans are f*cked. We are all f*cked.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Have a good day.

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