Silence is not Admission of Guilt

It has been a while since I wrote in here.

And I must say, there has been quite a lot of things going on in my head.

However, I am not here to talk about those things. Rather something that is awfully wrong with today’s society use of technology and psychology.

What do I mean by this?

Well, I just recently saw a video of one of my favorite content creators that I am subbed on Youtube, Lindsay Ellis, talking about how she has been blasted on social media (mainly Twitter) to be cancelled.

And the reason of her cancelling was as most of Twitter nonsense goes.

For very stupid reasons.

As her tweet, which I am paraphrasing here, stated that Raya and the Last Dragon, was similar to Avatar The Last Airbender, and that these type of fiction stories should have a subgenre of its own.

Just a statement of opinion. Which in all sense, that is what the internet is all about nowadays.

However, instead of taking this as a opinion of creative talk, Twitter and the mindless drones that use the platform have taken her tweet EXTREMELY out of context and bombarded her and her social circle that she is a evil racist vile person against Asian people and all sorts of toxic statements.


You must be utterly braindead to take a tweet like that and believe the person was being racist against Asian people.

This is not, “a 0 to a 100”, this is sanity to pedal to the metal max insanity.

And this thing became much worse as, Lindsay Ellis, deleted her Twitter account.

And the reason she had deleted her Twitter account, spoiler alert, wasn’t because of this nonsense. As in the video she states that she had deleted it for different reasons rather than this nonsensical bs Twitter once more had transpired.

As the cancel train wagon exploded on her to the insane levels after she had deleted her account.

Basically she had slept on it after deleting it for other reasons, and boom, got a rude awakening from the illogical mob to the point she had articles about her on social media about her cancelling movement.

And because she had deleted her Twitter account, most of these hivemind sheep drones took that as her admitting guilt and shame of a sin that wasn’t a sin to begin with.

As they (this mob) wanted an apology from her rather than a deletion of her account.

Deletion equaling silence, silence equaling guilt… What a twisted stupid logic that is.

Here is the thing, when someone goes silent, it doesn’t necessarily mean a person is acknowledging your validity of your points or that oneself is admitting that they have messed up.

If that was the case, cops would just simply arrest people without trial for keeping quiet and send people straight to prison for it.

Matter of fact, silence has a very deep powerful meaning. Especially in cases such as this.

When you are dealing with an unreasonable angry mob, the last thing on how to handle this is not through word of logical reasoning to them.

As reasoning logically through an unreasonable angry mob is as illogical as this situation is.

So the only thing of value and logical reason left to do, is to keep quiet.

And the reason why you do this, is not just to save your energy and mental health against these wasteful drones (even though that is a huge reason for it), but it is also to show you are not guilty of anything.

The Twitter mob kept asking Lindsay Ellis to apologize, but to be honest, what the hell is there to apologize for?

If you apologize you are admitting guilt of something. And in this case as stated before, Lindsay Ellis has nothing to apologize for.

Because the sin she committed wasn’t even a sin to begin with. Rather it was a stupid rage fire someone started out of hate and utter boredom by taking her tweet utterly out of context.

Which is unfortunately what Twitter is and has become in order to keep itself relevant in our age of technology.

However, keeping quiet is not just a sign or a move to avoid guilt, it is also a sign to show to people that you don’t care about them. In this case their words and opinions are beneath you.

It is essentially a power move, which I am glad Lindsay Ellis is taking it that way through this whole ordeal.

Have you heard of the saying, “A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of the sheep”? You might heard it first maybe from Game of Thrones before it went to the dumpster fire, but this saying has been said in many different ways throughout our human time.

Silence in cases like this, makes you more powerful. Because by you lowering yourself and explaining in their angry illogical state, you are not just draining yourself of energy, but you are lowering your standards to theirs and are validating their nonsensical claims.

Validating them when you were not even in the wrong is the worse thing you can do.

Plus, keeping silent like you don’t care especially in a situation like this pays off eventually. Because once enough time passes and the sh*tstorm settles down, the more clarity it will bring to light.

Leading you to not feel so alone as the logical people will come to your backing now. Making the ones still yapping about this nonsensical situation with no context or reason as the ones who are going to look like the villains.

Which they are.

But not just any kind of villain, the worst kind.

The mindless drone that gets fooled easily by manipulative toxic people who start these kinds of lynch mobs.

A sheep.

So yeah, keeping silent is not losing an argument or admitting you are a horse sh*t of a person. It just means I am not going to indulge in your nonsense and give validation by giving you the attention that you so desperately seek.

Which by the way, this might seem rather off topic, but the fact people call out or try to “cancel” on people with angry mob tactics shows huge levels of hypocrisy amongst many when they do it.

As many of these braindead people are the same people who post stuff like, “Love one another”, or “no bullying”, in their social medias.

Yet when they get on the illogical cancel bandwagon (which is unfortunately what most of cancel culture is nowadays), they portray the opposite of their post messages by being the biggest bullies and anti-love advocates.

They claim they are pro mental health, yet they go on a mob with no evidence of a person doing ill intent by using said bullying tactics they so oppose.

Causing said person they’re targeting at the moment to develop some sort of mental illness.


So next time you see someone going silent, don’t take that as a sign of guilt admittance or submission. Take it as a way that person doesn’t give a flying f**k anymore and doesn’t want to waste their precious time and energy on utter braindead people.

As reasoning with illogical people is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how many good moves you make, the pigeon is gonna knock down the pieces like it has no brain.

So it is best to keep silent and let the truth speak for itself.

Because the thing about the truth is, it eventually reveals itself on its own, not through the use of an angry mindless mob.

The ones that do that, well, they have nothing to do as their lives are that pathetic.

Silence, patience, and keeping strong is key in dealing with these things.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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