Stellaris: A Fun Game That is Extremely Tedious

I love being creative. And most of all, I love sci-fi. And seeing Stellaris combine both of them back when it was released in 2016, made me immediately buy it right away.

Matter of fact, I have currently 1000+ hours on the game because I love it so much.

It really is that fun.



Let me elaborate.

Paradox Interactive (the devs of this game), has had one issue that many fans have complained about for years since the day this game was released back in 2016. Which they haven’t fixed till this day.

Matter of fact, the issue has gotten worse over the years.

What is it you ask?

One word.


My God…

This game, THIS F***ING GAME, has so much micromanaging to the point it gives the player headaches up to kingdom come.

Not just that, it breaks the immersion you are trying to play as, which is never good on games that are based on being creative.

Like every time I play this game, either as an imperial ruthless emperor or a wimpy virgin democratic government, I cannot escape the excess amount of micromanaging this game throws at me.

Especially, if you have big ass empires like I do every time I play this game. Which let’s be honest, that is the route most players go for when playing these types of games.

Here is the thing. I understand that the game is based on creating your own spacefaring civilization within the vastness of space. And space being vast, I knew the administrative roles were going to be insane.

However, that doesn’t mean I should be responsible as the player to micromanage EVERY detail about it. As that gets extremely tedious and annoying real fast.

This game makes you micromanage every f***ing star system, military armada/fleet, starbases, satellites, observation platforms, policy/edict choices, citizens, political factions, technology/research, planets, and etc that you control.


Which by the way, the planet micromanaging its the most annoying out of them all, as that gets out of control real fast the bigger your empire is. As bigger empire equals more planets under your domain.

And for each planet you control, you have to build buildings and pick planet policies for each said planet you control MANUALLY. And if unattended, it could lead to negative consequences for your empire as a whole. Which is utterly insane, frustrating, and unnecessarily time consuming.

Which brings the next question.

What the f*** is the point of hiring governors in this game?

This game allows you to hire governors for your space sectors as you expand, who apparently do f*** all except giving you more options to micromanage.

Like you would think by hiring a governor they will somewhat alleviate your micromanaging situation by doing some of the micromanaging for you. Especially for the systems/planets they are governing, but no. They don’t even do that.

Which is something I don’t understand about Paradox Interactive, as setting the governor to do something at least would have been not just cool, but would have also alleviate the situation of this micromanaging nightmare the fans are still enduring till this day.

Like each planet has a focus on it for Christ sakes. Like, it says it on the planet’s menu! In plain sight!

If a planet is a refinery based planet, the governor AI should have at least some coding to micromanage that planet in a way that fits with its planets main strength.

But no, like I said, we have to do all that all on our f***ing own.

Meaning, the governors are just there to look pretty when we hire them.

Translation, they do f*** all while they get their dicks sucked by their own private secretary. Something the EMPEROR of the EMPIRE should be receiving and not the lowly Governor.

But wait, that is not all. As it gets much worse.

How worse you say?


You have to do this as well even when you are at WAR.

Yeap, you heard me correctly. Imagine doing all that amount of tedious micromanaging while being f***ing attacked left and right by other empires. Not even Pro-Starcraft players can click and press buttons that fast. Especially with the micromanaging this game has to offer.

And I know what the people who might defend this aspect of the game might say, “Bro, you can micromanage while pausing too”. Which is true, but that doesn’t negate the fact that is still extremely tedious and annoying.

Which to that I say,


The issue here is that there is too much micromanaging in this game.

Did you not read what I said early on what you need to micromanage as a whole in this game? You have to micromanage from ships, to planets, to even the toe nails of your people.

This game has a lot of micromanaging that it feels like a chore most of the time. And games should not feel like a chore.

I mean, as I said early on. I love this game to the point I played it a 1000 so hours on it, but it is extremely aggravating that the devs have not done anything about this aspect after all these years as it is a huge problem.

Like, what is the point of adding cool features in new patches and so on, if we are going to be annoyed within minutes on the same old bs we been combating about this game? Like if I wanted to just stare boringly while choosing carefully from the same micro choices in every playthrough, I would just watch paint dry at this point.

Running your own creative space empire shouldn’t be this tedious. Yet these devs somehow managed to do it.


So for the love of God. Please fix this nonsense, Paradox. Like, you cannot keep ignoring your fanbase like this.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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