Hilarious Censorship That Makes No Sense

Recently I re-watched one of my favorite movies called Lord of War starring Nicholas Cage in the Youtube free movie section without ads thanks to my lucky convenience of having been gifted a Youtube Premium last year.

Lord of War' – Film Review and Analysis – The Life and Times of Ben Weinberg

And as I was watching this movie I thought to myself, “Hey, so far so good. Just how I remembered when I first watched this thing”. Then bam! Something was completely off that immediately caught my attention off guard.

What is it?


They censored the dialogue every time the characters said the word “f***” or other such words.

Which I know, I censor those words as well in my writings, but here is the thing.

I don’t censor myself by replacing those words with other complete utter nonsense, as I at least give you the first letter of said crude words giving you exactly what I am saying if you use your clever deducting skills.

If you are clever enough.

Which I am sure most of my readers are.

This movie however, and the many like them, don’t do that. They just replace it with other words that sometimes make it hilarious in a very unfortunate way.

And the funny thing about these censorships in movies like these, is that it makes no goddamn f***ing sense when they do.

Like for one, the movie Lord of War as mentioned earlier, has a lot of violence of death and heavy drug usage.

Yet those aren’t censored.

I remember watching within my recent re-watch of this movie where the main character Yuri and his brother Vitaly are doing coke for the first time after their first arms deal in Colombia.

They vividly without cutting or censoring, show Yuri and Vitaly snorting this thing, yet the thing that gets censored is his brother Vitaly saying the word “f***” and onwards by replacing it with, “Gee golly, that’s good stuff”.

My God… This is funny and utterly idiotic at the same time.

It reminds me of the censored version of Scarface when the immigration officer asks Tony if he got that scar by eating “pineapple”. PINEAPPLE! Which in the uncensored version is “p*$$y”, but I am digressing from the point.

The point on the matter is, if I am watching on the internet, on a account that states my date of birth, stating that I am a grown adult. I should not have to watch the censored versions of these movies. PERIOD.

And if I unfortunately do end up watching these censored cuts, at least make your censorship consistent enough that it makes some logical sense for the logical minds.

A kid watching this thing learned more bad things from all the uncut coke snorting and war torn world killings than the actual F bombs dropped in this movie.

Just what the f***.

Either censor consistently (which I don’t want), or don’t censor at all.

It makes no sense people.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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