GTA Online: The K/D Warrior Phenomenon

GTA V or in this case GTA Online has been in the gaming community for quite a while now as it is almost a decade old as I write this. And throughout those years there has been many kinds of players that have been playing the game (especially the online aspect) in various different ways.

However, when it comes to the different playstyles of players within the GTA Online community, there has been a group of players that I have never quite understood why they played the game in such a way.

Which is the K/D Warriors.

And to those that don’t know what they are, is essentially someone who focuses on maintaining their player stat of kill and death ratio within the game. And in order to maintain such stat in good condition, a player must have more kills against other players than their actual deaths. Hence the acronym of K/D’s, something many competitive shooting and MOBA games have.

And the reason why I state why I never understood these type of players back when I played GTA Online (which I still don’t understand them even after I gave up on the game) is because the K/D system in this game really doesn’t matter and makes no sense whatsoever.

Because one, having a high K/D is not going to put you in a lobby with other high ranked K/D people like some competitive games do.

Second, having a K/D system implies that the game is solely based on competitive killing in its aspect. Which GTA Online wasn’t and is still not as it has many ways you could play and enjoy the game rather than just killing other players.

Third, is not even a competitive game premise.

And fourth, even if the game was competitive in some way, the gameplay mechanics of GTA V/Online are only good for an open world shooting setting in mind as they are not that great when it comes to the competitive killing aspect against other players. Such as in PvP, team battle, or open world roaming killing wise. As the mechanics are really mediocre at best when it comes to those regards, which it really shows when you play it.

I mean, if the game was truly in the mindset of competitive killing only, especially in the third person wise, it has done a very poor job compared to other third person shooters out there.

Such as Fortnite or Gears of War.

And you wanna know why Gears of War and Fortnite have a good/great mechanic when it comes to killing other players in the third person aspect?

Because their games were actually intended to be played competitively in the first place.

GTA Online wasn’t.

I mean look, killing NPC’s and doing missions against NPC’s in GTA. Yeah, it works well in those regards. Against other players? Not really. Matter of fact, there are some GTA lobbies that don’t even have auto-lock off. What kind of competitive game allows players to auto-lock aim their guns with pinpoint accuracy at other players making them easier to kill them? Is nonsense.

Like I don’t understand why Rockstar added the K/D mechanic in the first place.

However, I am digressing from the point.

The point is, K/D Warriors in GTA Online were utterly obsessed (and still are for some reason) with their K/D stats. To the point they boast about them whenever they can. Which quite frankly, no one cares as we all know it doesn’t matter.

However, they still do for some reason. And when they do, it really shows how pathetically pitiful they are. Especially when you find out their tactics on how they got to such K/D stats.

One of them which I found out to be the most pathetic out of them all, which is how these pitiful f**ks would just go on about being level 120 or higher, killing the new players nonstop. And when you are a new player in GTA Online, you only have a pistol to defend yourself.

Which is utterly brutal and unfair as the high level players (especially 120 and onwards) have all the weapons unlocked in their arsenal for them. Meaning, these motherless f**ks are running about killing defenseless baby seals while boasting they are good at GTA when it comes to killing other players.


As that is the equivalent of a grown adult boasting he is a good fighter while only punching newborn babies in the face.

You are not good, you are s**t. Matter of fact, you are worse than s**t.

And if you think that is bad, these living tumors never accept a fair fight when you challenge them. Such as in a Deathmatch (which is GTA’s version of a PvP). A place where the whole goal is to truly kill other players like in other shooter games and so on.

Something these cocksuckers never accept.

Wanna know why?

‘Cause in Deathmatches you get to put settings and rules as the host, like in all games. And one of the settings within GTA Deathmatches is that you can remove personal weapons from the players within that match. Meaning, you only get to use weapons that you find and pickup on the map of the deathmatch.

And if you are a new player going against a high ranking player within that game, that makes the fight fair and even. Levels/Ranks don’t matter in those scenarios. Just like any competitive shooting game like in Rainbow Six Siege. A low level can kill a high level in those circumstances.

Fair and nice.

Which is why these K/D Warriors never accept them.

They just want to fight/kill if the stacks are mostly in their favor. Which makes their boast about their K/D stats not just pathetic, but meaningless as well (which to be fair, they were meaningless nonetheless even if K/D Warriors existed or not) because as stated, GTA was never a competitive game in the first place. Making the whole K/D system useless.

But if killing low levels players is not what they are doing, these cocksuckers go and kill players minding their own business, and when the player that was actually minding his or her business is actually capable, or in this case better than them in the killing aspect of the game, they immediately leave the lobby in order to preserve their K/D stat.

And if that is not the case, sometimes they literally kill themselves in order to prevent the other player from killing them. Because for some stupid reason Rockstar made the action of killing yourself to not affect your K/D system at all. So when the pitiful K/D Warrior meets their match, they literally go like Hitler in his last days in the bunker to preserve his high K/D.

Is just pathetic at best.

Their whole existence in the GTA Online community is pathetic and pitiful.

Want to have high K/Ds? Go play games that actually focuses on that s**t. GTA Online isn’t the place for that.

Matter of fact, Rockstar doesn’t even know what to make of this game. Is it really about being the best criminal? Or the best soldier? Like this game is all over the place every time new content is added to it.

Especially when they added flying cars and bikes with weapons.

Like… What?! Just make a Sci-fi game if you are going to do that s**t Rockstar.

Anyways, this phenomenon of the K/D Warrior is something I never understood and always hated about the game every time I played it back in the day.

Like I would understand this type of behavior in games like Halo or Rainbow Six Siege, as those games have a mechanic and system in place that truly makes it competitive to make the K/D system matter and make sense, but in GTA Online, it makes no sense whatsoever.

Matter of fact, with the things I have listed and said about them on how they operate to get to such a place, I just feel like most of these K/D Warriors just have small dick syndromes at best. They only fight when the percentage of winning is in the 95 percentile for them.

That doesn’t make you good. You are just a trash player as stated before.

And in a game that is not supposed to be competitive, why even bother act/play like this?

That group are just cancers in human form.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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