Controversial Opinion: Kids That Commit Heinous Acts Should Serve Punishment like Adults

When it comes to horrible crimes that are so against humanity we often times think about the victim or the victim’s family on how we can deliver some justice in order to bring some closure to their lives.

However, when it comes to those same heinous acts, especially committed by children, that whole ball is never thought or brought up again as it all turns into this philosophical debate on what to do when this sort of situations comes up (which in a way is very messed up for the victims as their tragedy now turned into a worldwide college debate class).

And the thing is, I had a lot to think about this conversation as I went on with my life, and through my time living my opinions differed multiple times depending on the situation I was in. However, I think I am at a age now where I can finally fully decide on what to think on this subject at a full conclusion without ever changing on my thoughts ever again on this matter.

Which is the belief that I think kids should just serve time (or in this case punishment) like the adults do.

And here are my reasons why.

Which I must emphasize, these are just my opinions.

Reason one,

Just because they are kids doesn’t negate the actions.

I hear a lot of talk and debate when it comes to cases like this, saying that kids minds are not fully develop as adults are from various psychologists and other experts alike, which in terms I do agree with their findings and sentiments.

However, we got to be honest and realize that just because they are kids doesn’t mean we need to lay them off with ease (and here is where my first opinion comes in).

Any individual doing something quite heinous at a young age, is not a good sign at all. Matter of fact, that thing needs to be dealt with ASAP. Like a lot of people have this notion that just because they did certain questionable things when they were kids, that behavior would root out in a puff of smoke once they reach adulthood.

Which in my honest opinion, I find it as complete baloney.

Why is that?


Kids that commit bullying when they are young are just going to turn into bullies in adult forms, kids that do violent physical acts are still going to do that even in adult forms, kids that steal like kleptomaniacs are going to continually to do so in adult forms, kids that manipulate others are going to go on doing so in adult forms and so forth.

You get the memo.

People don’t change that easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

I mean, what do you think is going to happen when a child gets a slap on the wrist or gets taught no consequences from these acts that they committed? Is just going to enforce their idea that this is totally fine to do so even as they grow older because the consequences are either minuscule or totally nonexistent from what they experienced.

A horrible deed is still horrible as a kid. There is no difference on the matter.

And what we can do to prevent from such things from happening is that we need to catch these signs of toxicity early on from our kids before they turn into major disappointments. And once we do, we need to send them to therapy or psychological help in order to teach them that what they are doing is not right societal behavior.

Is not a full proof plan, but is better than nothing.

However, if is too late and the kid committed the horrible act already. I’m sorry, you have to atone for what you did in an adult way. This way at least, it teaches the sane kids that haven’t dirtied their hands yet to never cross such lines as it teaches them there are grim consequences for such actions.

Second reason,

Some kids are just lost causes.

Have you ever seen those kids back in the day when you were still in grade school that were total nuisances even after they got countless lectures and scolding’s from grown ups from either parents, teachers, or both?

Yeah, let me tell you. Those kids never learn and are still going to commit their toxic nonsense no matter what.

They are total lost causes.

And is only a matter of time once they reach adulthood for them to do something completely screwed up. Such as taking another one’s life or crippling them for example. And the only way for these people to understand that their actions are not acceptable is by punishing them severely like adults, such as life imprisonment or depending on your place of stay the death penalty. As kids like this, they never take fault even when the situation was totally theirs to begin with.

Such as when they get called out for their actions, they get mad not because of what he or she did to the victims, but they get mad because they got caught or because they are now the ones taking the pain and the suffering (which they deserve).

As these kids end up growing up just as stated before in my first reasoning, the same just in adult form even if they got help from experts to prevent such fate. These type of kids, there is no helping them. The only way to truly change their nature is to completely erase their own personality and replace it with a new one. Which unfortunately cannot be done as we don’t live in a sci-fi technological world.

Is like talking to a very toxic brick wall.

They just belong in a cage far away from society.

Reason three,

Kids can be just as cruel as adults.

I already stated that I agree with the experts that kids mind are not on the same level when it comes to adults, but let me tell you one thing. When it comes to cruelty, kids understand that just like adults do. And they will inflict it if they have the impulses to do so.

I mean look at cases of bullying in schools or places where kids congregate. They bully certain kids to such extreme they make those kids either wanting to commit suicide or take horrible drastic actions such as trying to kill their bullies or worse for making their lives such living hell. Which are no light outcomes.

And as they inflict such cruelty they do it with smiles and laughs on their faces like is totally normal (which I can confirm as I seen bullies smile or laugh as they torment other kids). They find enjoyment out of this.

Kid or not, that is deranged sociopathic behavior no matter how you look at it with sane eyes. And I am sort of sick of statements saying that kids aren’t incapable of committing evil, when they are totally committing acts that are making people, in this case kids, of wanting to commit suicide. Even if the victim survives they are going to linger with PTSD for the rest of their lives.

You want to act like a deranged adult, get treated like one.

In prison.

Simple as that.

Reasons finished.

Like here is the thing, if I ever get kids, and I find out one of them (or worst case scenario) all of them, are caught committing something heinous such as murder or bullying to the point they make their classmate kill themselves. I am not gonna sit by and say to my kids that I am a ride and die kind of father and that I am going to get the best lawyers I can afford.

No, I think by doing that it will show that I am not even a father at all while allowing this behavior to go onward in other future kids.

What I will do is (besides being utterly disappointed at them) is letting the course of justice take place and see the child get punish like an adult just as I said in this writing here. Because if I didn’t, I would be a hypocrite.

Besides, like I said in the beginning, I think this is a belief that is going to stick with me from now on no matter what now. Kid or not, you need to serve your punishment accordingly on what you did like an adult. I don’t care how the punishments are indicated as that is a different can of worms on the matter.

What I care for is the illustration that wretched deeds no matter adult or kids are still in the same level of nature no matter what. Pain is not going to feel different just because a kid did it. I mean if a kid shoots you with an AK-47, you still going to feel it the same way like if an adult grabbed it and shot you with it.

And in a age where Karens seem rampant now thanks to instant footage from our smartphone social medias, I feel like a lot of kids are growing up to be despicable human beings from what they are being taught by their horrible like parents. Leading to toxic behavior to be more common out there.

The apple doesn’t fall far from its tree.

Like when I see cases such as the Michigan dad who died because some teens tossed a boulder at incoming cars at a highway, like those kids knew what the hell they were doing. Same with the tragic case of the murder of Junko Furuta.

Kids like these, are beyond salvation and deserve no second chances. They had no humanity to begin with, or were just raised without any consequences and lessons whatsoever turning them into dysfunctional members that don’t belong anywhere in society.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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