Rockstar Needs to Make a Sci-Fi Game

As a person who has grown with Rockstar games his whole life (mainly through the GTA and Red Dead Series) its time for this company to finally make a comeback with a new IP game.

Especially after the fact this company has soiled its reputation as a developer by staying stale with greedy laziness with their GTA Online Cow Cash Maker (which unfortunately is also in Red Dead Online as well).

How to play GTA Online in August 2020
This game used to mean something to me…

So, with that said. Where should the new IP take place?

Which to that, you already saw the title which answers the question itself. And to be honest, before Cyberpunk 2077 was even a thing, I’ve been constantly telling people multiple times nonstop that Rockstar should consider making an open world sci-fi game.

Especially after their bullshittery of adding flying cars/bikes with weapons on them in GTA Online.

Which seriously, if you are going to add laser, psionic, and pulse weapons along with other sci-fi shenanigan fiascos into the game. Might as well at least consider putting the idea into your next corporate board meeting.

And this is especially the case since it makes no sense to see these type of things in a game that is about making the player into the best criminal in a setting that is supposed to be based in the current time world.

GTA Online's Oppressor Mk II is cheap this week | Rock Paper Shotgun
Does this thing look like it belongs in our world? The thing this game is supposed to be based on?

Besides, with Cyberpunk 2077 out now, it is the perfect moment to announce such a thing in order to cash in on the opportunity (especially after a very buggy broken launch CD Projekt Red managed to screw up with its new sci-fi IP).


That way, you can at least add all the crazy sci-fi shenanigans you want to milk with without breaking your game’s settings logic.

You want to make super-nano tech soldier enemies, Rockstar?

Make a sci-fi game.

Want to add spaceships and laser weapons, Rockstar?

Make a sci-fi game.

Want to allow players to make their characters to throw energy blasts like in Dragon Ball, Rockstar?


Like seriously, just announce it and start making it, as your company desperately needs a new IP.

You have the budget and the means. Stop cashing and updating on a game that is almost a decade old as I write this. As it was very pathetic to look at you guys when you announced a GTA V to the new gen consoles (especially for a big company such as yourselves).

Your name used to mean something in the gaming community. And if you want that back, Rockstar. This is the only way to do it. Especially with a open world sci-fi already out in the market right now.

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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