The Last Nail – The Final Reason Why All Fictional Fights are Stupid and Pointless

I have talked about this topic before, but I am going to bring it back again to give the final nail why these fights are all stupid and pointless to set things clear once and for all.

So, in my previous talk about this topic, I mentioned that none of these death battles among fictional characters matter at all as they all have plot holes that nullify their feats and power scales. As having any plot holes of any kind makes those calculations I mentioned impossible to calculate. Leading to a situation without any valid conclusions whatsoever.

However, besides that there is another reason why these death battles of this nature don’t even matter even further. That is from the fact that these fights take characters from different stories, aka different universes, that only furthers the calculations to be even more incalculable. Why is that?

Because each story’s universe operates with different laws and rules of their own.

Making the results of the fight to be impossible to calculate as well.

I mean think about it, in the universe of DC, guns work rather well or the same as our world against beings that are not supers. However, take the gun laws and its effects from I don’t know, Tom & Jerry, and the laws on how they work are totally bat sh** insane.

Bruce Wayne’s Parents vs Jerry.

Congrats, Jerry wins cause I seen this rat being shot at with multiple guns too many times and managed to survive all of them. While Brucie’s parents, well, you get the picture.

The Mystery of Batman's Parents' Death Finally Explained
That’s what you get for messing with Jerry.

Putting characters from different stories where they operate differently in their own respective dimension/universe will give you no simple result. Matter of fact, you will get no logical result on whatsoever. And if you do, well, you are lying to yourself with a very false illogical answer that you came up with.

Something Death Battle has been doing since the start of their internet show. Their whole hypothetical scenario answers are all bogus, as they calculate nonsense with nonsense and claim their answer is legit and logical. Which is not. It never was.

So, before you go venting on the comment section of the internet how your favorite character lost against so and so goon cause of “bias calculations” or other nonsense. Just don’t.

As math cannot calculate things that has plot holes along with the very different laws that these other universes operate in. There is no answer. Is just nonsensical silliness that goes nowhere.

Just like my life…

With that said, thanks for reading and stay safe everyone.

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