The Age of Storytelling – Too Much Choice. Solution? Stand Out

We live in a time of endless abundant choice. A blessing or a curse depending on who you ask, but no matter the answer there is no denying that we have way too many options out there nowadays when it comes to capitalist consumption. Something that is especially double within the storytelling industries.

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As long gone are the days of trying to simply turn on whatever is on in order to entertain us on the spot, as we are now bound with the curse of endless scrolling through our Netflix accounts and so forth, in order to figure out what to watch in order to entertain ourselves.

The choices seem infinite.

However, if screen time entertainment picks seem crazy nowadays. You have no idea how crazier it is when it comes to the stories within the book market. Both physical and digital, (especially triple on the digital side), as we are now truly living in the age of storytelling. A age where technology and the means of human knowledge has made almost everyone have the ability to tell their own stories no matter where they are in the world.

Making the notion of standing out to be the upmost importance within storytelling.

Something I know it sounds hard to do, but in a world where we have boundless choices, that is the only trajectory possible for any story writer out there. Which as stated, is no easy task. As the simplest idea to stand out is no longer plausible within story telling in this era.

Why is that? Because anything you can think of story wise has already been done by someone. Known, unknown, or otherwise.

It has been done.

So, in order to stand out in an era where everything has been done already along with its seeming endless choices, the only course of action to stand out from the rest of the stories is to make it better than the first attempts of those said stories. As there are so many stories out there with cool ideas and synopsis’s that have been executed so poorly by average or amateurish storytellers.

Those cool ideas deserve better.

No one cares about average or horrid stories that have been done a thousand times already in our short human history. They are all pointless and a waste of time. As what we care for now is an amazing story so we can escape our already depressing real lives. Even if it has been done.

And this is true from the fact people would rather eat a well done chicken that has been done recently, than a thousand burnt uneatable chickens that were made with the same idea way before the well done chicken was a thing.

Burnt chicken | RuneScape Wiki | Fandom
Burnt Runescape chicken…

Sigh… What I mean is, quality beats quantity. Not in all aspects in life as spamming T-34s at the Germans worked quite well for the Soviets, but in storytelling mediums from shows, movies, video games, books, and so on. THAT IS THE KEY TO STAND OUT. Especially in this endless seeming hordes of choices we have in society at the moment, which would probably won’t stop until humanity dies off.

Meaning, it doesn’t matter who came up with the idea first. What matters is getting the executions right. Nothing more, nothing less.

Make Gallipoli into D-DAY.

Why do I make war references all the time…

Anyhow, thank you for reading and stay safe everyone.

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