Artificial Art: How AI Could Change the Art Scene

Elon Musk has said time to time again that AI (Artificial Intelligence), if truly developed at its full potential would surpass all aspects of intelligence and skills that we humans possess. And in a big way, I do believe that would eventually will come to fruition in the future. However, near or distant it makes me curious to think what would a fully developed AI would do when it comes to skills that are subjective rather than linear such as in the case of works of art. As they are also skills that involve the usage of the human mind to create such things, but since art is subjective it makes you wonder even more. Will AI eventually surpass us in the arts as well when the variables are not as clear when it comes to that regard? And in a way I think it could, but not in all of it and specifically speaking.

For example, in the case of writing stories such as of fiction and so on, I believe that a fully developed AI in the levels of Cortana like in the Halo series can easily grasp how to write magnificent stories with extreme ease to the point it can make human stories obsolete or unwanted. I mean, you have seen those books. Those books written by famous authors or capable writers that write such books like how to write amazing stories, how to write well developed characters, how to write an introduction to your book, and so on. Writing, even though is an art form it has a structure in place like everything else in the world. Hence why there is so many books of that nature. And in this scenario, with an AI of the levels of Cortana, they will be able to take all that knowledge of those countless amounts of books on how to write stories within a very short amount of time unlike humans. How short? Couple of days if pessimistically speaking, but if we are going optimistic wise it can be in a matter of minutes or even seconds. Now, if they are able to grasp that vast amount of knowledge on how to write stories in such a short time. The AI will have no trouble digesting other information such as the structures of the many languages we have in this world as well. Meaning, the story will not just be grammatically perfect on whatever language is being told, but as longest the AI has a vast vivid imagination combined with the knowledge on how to write a story, the AI will be able to create great works of writing nonstop that are unimaginable within human capability. Reaching not just one language group at a time, but countless others as it is able to write stories in different languages as well. Unlike human authors who are only limited by their respective native languages.

Great writers that of Shakespeare, Milton, Hawthorne, Tolkien, Twain and all of your current favorite 21st century writers you admire today. They will become rarer in a future where we have these types of AI’s. Am I saying human writing works would cease to come out? No, but people would be more likely to consume something that is greatly written and constantly being uploaded and available over human works that can sometimes be bad writing or take years to upload. Or in worst case scenarios is never uploaded and finished. I am looking at you George R.R. Martin. I mean think about it, we as humans crave not just safety among our lives, but we crave entertainment as well. We can easily get bored very quickly and impatient as well. And AI’s of this caliber will be able to deliver and give us entertaining well structure stories to satisfy that void within us for years to come. And that brings another point Elon Musk would pretty much agree with me. The AI would never have to deal with health problems from physical and to the mental. Which is one the main reasons why great writers go on hiatus or never finish some of their works. AI’s would have no such problems of that regard. Sure there would be some maintenance that might have to be undertaken time to time, but being an AI of this level would mean we live in a future were technology is so advance that it can easily be fixed. Meaning, the fix would be quite fast that it wouldn’t be that bothersome or noticeable to people. Unlike humans whose health complication recovery really depends on whatever it is, and what age they are on, and what condition their body is at. And depending on those, their recovery could take quite some time or worst case scenario never. Which is tragic for the people who have consumed their works, as they now have to linger in what ifs, as their author literally has died without making a conclusion for their story. Making them feel a void like they wasted quite the valuable resource within them which is time. Something that is not refundable unlike money.

And through this it is somewhat hard to imagine how the art, especially in the case of writing, might look like in the future in a world where AI’s are this developed and easily available within society. There could be a whole war among human writers against AI writers, but I feel like just like Chess or Go, it might end up one sided landing victorious for the AI. However, that is in regards on the art when it comes to writing stories. Art on other aspects such as drawing hits a little different no matter how advanced an AI is. As drawing is more subjective than writing is. Not that writing is not subjective at all. And what do I mean by this? Well, some people look at the Mona Lisa in person and think is beautiful, but certain people such as myself look at it and go, “Huh, is much smaller than expected.” And become rather disappointed or don’t see the big deal about it. In that regard no matter how smart or skillful the AI is over humans, is something that is really not set on stone, as people have certain preferences of art-styles over others. So when it comes to art such as drawing, the AI will not affect that drastically for those wishing to go on the drawing job perspectives in the future.

However, you might be thinking. “Wait, there is also styles of writings that people prefer over others.” That is true, each writer and author has their own style of writing they have perfected over the years that people come to appreciate and not. But the thing about writing is that even though you have your own style and freedom in place, writing has things that cannot be as subjective as paintings are, as they have some restrictions. Such as if your writing is illogical and has a lot of plot holes that are the size of nuclear craters. In that case it really doesn’t matter if a person likes your writing style or not, because at that point all you are doing as a writer is just polishing a piece of turd that it still going to be a piece of turd in the end. Something a far intelligently advanced AI in this scenario would not make if we are truly to expect AI’s of this level to exist in the near or distant futures. Making the career of writing very vulnerable in the future once AI’s like these comes to society unlike drawings and paintings. Because as stated, those things have more about subjectivity and freedom unlike writing.

And speaking of drawings, AI’s will immensely change the scene of art when it comes to animation and video game industries for the better. That is depending on your perspective if we get to this level of AI in the future. For one, unlike overworking and underpaying your animators and coders which happens a lot in the animation and video game industry. An AI of this level and scale could do all that hard working work by themselves without breaking a sweat with great speeds. Why have a team of animators and coders in the future when you can have a very powerful smart AI to do it for you? The only thing you have to do is dictate to the AI what kind of scene and animation you want and the AI will do it from there without complaining. Well, hopefully. Unless the AI decides to go all Skynet on us, but that is besides the point. So things such as movements, CGI effects, and frames per second adjustments and so on that were handled very tediously under a lot of time by under appreciated and overworked workers will be a thing in the past. As it will be easily created in great speeds by an AI as longest the future keeps continuing on improving the AI technology to reach to these kinds of levels. Give the vision on the AI and it will do it with no problems in this type of world. Saving companies within the animation or video game industry millions upon millions as they don’t have to hire that many employees anymore. Which in that regard, I guess is where the negative comes depending on your perspective. That is if you are an underpaid coder or animator, as your job literally got replaced by an AI that is better than all of humanity combined. Which overall, it really changes a lot in this part of the art scene, which I guess is sort of like writing when it comes to this part as well. Because as longest they have all the info, they can create better art in this regard than humans could.

However, when it comes to music, just like drawings and paintings. The art wouldn’t change that much. As I think both humans and AI’s can coexist together to create great symphonies of art within this respective area. Because when it comes to music, it is really REALLY subjective. Some people like rock, but others like specific types of rock and so on. And in a world like that, both humans and AI’s could create music alongside without making it clear on who is gonna take over the other. As the sounds we feel as humans all lands and feels differently depending on the individual. But of course, you could say that about any art form, but like I said before, some are more restrictive in the case of subjectivity like in the case of writing. But music really is a big case of subjectivity and endless different opinions. Making it harder or rather impossible to make humans less prevalent in this side of the art spectrum in the future of extreme advanced AI’s. However, I feel like major music companies would like to have an AI over a human in the future if they have a choice. As an AI would be more controllable than of a human artist. As human artists tend to end up in scandals and dramas in today’s society that cause so much trouble and outrage. And in a age where we have witnessed what Twitter toxicity can do and be. I think is much easier for a company to toss their AI artist under the bus as longest its obedient when such events happen. Unlike a human artist that could actually fight back with their own team of lawyers and other shenanigans if they feel like they been terminated unfairly. Something even big companies don’t want to even deal with.

With that said, it would be foolish not to think what powerful AI’s can do in the future. Especially in the case of not just technical stuff like self driving cars or instant data analyzing, but in the case of the arts as well. Because let’s be frank. If they can become smart enough to do the jobs that humans have been doing for centuries, that means they could eventually also create works of arts that could eventually rival or even overtake ours as masterpieces. So when the case of powerful AI’s like Cortana or Jarvis become a reality within society, one can only expect to think if human art could even compare to stand in the same pedestal and standards as the arts of an AI. As they would be much smarter and capable than us in every regard possible if it comes to that. And as a writer, I am both afraid and excited to see what kinds of amazing works they would be able to create if they eventually become a reality in the future. That is if am I still alive to even witness such thing in my lifetime.

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